University of Television and Film
All departments under one roof
Staatl. Hochbauamt, Munich
Peter Böhm, Cologne
18.000 sqm
Building services costs
>5 Mio. Euro
Scope of work
Mechanical services design
HOAI stages
2 - 8
Planning time
Construction time
The University of Television and Film (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film, or HFF) is located on the former southwest campus of the Technical University in Munich (TUM) in a building complex it shares with the State Museum of Egyptian Art.
After more than 40 years, all departments of the university have finally been consolidated under one roof. The college can now offer a state-of-the-art facility, fulfilling all requirements for a solid education.
The space allocation plan includes lecture rooms for seminars, offices, archives, cafeteria, library and media center. In addition, there are special high-tech rooms for film processing, such as sound labs, re-recording and tailoring rooms, speaker cabins, digital film processing areas, production offices and multi-media storage areas. Fully-equipped cinemas complete the facilities.
KBP designed and implemented technically and economically optimal solutions in accordance with the very high acoustic and climatic requirements in the field of laboratories and cinemas.