September 2024

Technical Service Network for the Parliamentary Buildings – KBP is back in action.

Around 30 years ago, KBP was commissioned to plan and implement the Technical Network for the Parliamentary Buildings in Berlin.

The original Technical Network (TVP) was developed to make the energy supply of the various buildings ofthe German Bundestag efficient and sustainable. It combined various technical systems for heating and cooling as well as for power supply in order to control and optimize the specific requirements.

The aim of the concept at that time was to equip the parliamental buildings with a reliable, resource-saving and energy-efficient infrastructure that meets modern standards. The technology network was based on the use of district heating, combined heat and power plants, storage systems and intelligent control technology that adjusted energy consumption as required in order to minimize both operating costs and CO₂ emissions.

In recent years, the focus on sustainable energy concepts and CO₂ neutrality has continued to intensify. Given this, the technology network is now being further developed to provide parliament buildings with a CO₂-neutral energy supply.

As part of the current climate goals, KBP has now once again been commissioned with updating this very significant energy network. Modern technologies and renewable energy sources will be used to operate the buildings in an even more sustainable and climate-friendly way.

Based on ouur successful designs from 30 years ago, we continue making an important contribution to the implementation of innovative and sustainable energy concepts for a CO₂-neutral future.

September 2024

Technical Service Network for the Parliamentary Buildings – KBP is back in action.

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