Technikverbund Parlamentsbauten Berlin
Creating and updating a key Technical Infrastructure Network
Bundesbaugesellschaft Berlin mbH
1 - 8
1993 - 1997 (TVP 1.0),
since 2024 (TVP 2.0)
1996 - 1999 (TVP 1.0)
TVP 1.0 – New Technical Infrastructure Network for the Parliamentary Buildings
On September 10, 1993, the Federal Republic of Germany established the Bundesbaugesellschaft Berlin mbH to coordinate federal construction projects in the Berlin Spreebogen. The project included the renovation of the Reichstag building as well as the construction of new parliamentary and government buildings (such as the Federal Chancellery, Jakob-Kaiser-Haus, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus) and their underground technical infrastructure systems. The goal was to implement forward-thinking, environmentally friendly energy concepts with high energy quality and innovative technical systems. In addition to cost considerations, the focus was on supply reliability, ecological compatibility and technological advancements. The original target of covering at least 15% of the energy demand with renewable sources was far exceeded, significantly reducing fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
To balance the varying demand patterns of the individual buildings and to optimize the utilization of energy generation machines, as well as the aquifer heat and cold storage systems, an integrated energy network exists between the buildings of the German Bundestag in the Spreebogen.
This network forms an important technical foundation for the entire energy supply concept. In conjunction with other components, it enables the full utilization of the available potential for using waste heat from electricity production (combined heat, power, and cooling), ensures high machine utilization with greater CHP (combined heat and power) output (cost-effectiveness), and allows for the management of supply disruptions in energy provision without the need for backup machines. This is achieved by distributing the total load across various generators (diversification).
TVP 2.0 – Updating of the Technical Infrastructure Network
The parliamentary buildings continue to serve as a role model in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy, climate protection, sustainable construction, and innovation. They are intended to demonstrate that climate policy goals can be aligned with economic efficiency and practical functionality in construction projects, even in existing buildings.
The aim is to implement energy efficiency requirements for climate-neutral buildings and renovations in line with the Federal Climate Protection Program 2030-2050. A feasibility study for the revitalization and enhancement of the energy supply will update the energy network of the parliamentary buildings as a "role model for federal buildings."
Bundesbaugesellschaft Berlin mbH
1 - 8
1993 - 1997 (TVP 1.0),
since 2024 (TVP 2.0)
1996 - 1999 (TVP 1.0)