University of Television and Film (HFF)
All facilities of the Film School at one location
Staatl. Hochbauamt, Munich
Peter Böhm, Cologne
2 - 8
2005 - 2010
2007 - 2011
The University of Television and Film (HFF) is located on a decommissioned site of the downtown campus of the Technical University of Munich. It shares the building complex with the Museum of Egyptian Art. For the first time since its founding in 1966, all departments of the university are united under one roof. The university now offers a comprehensive range of facilities necessary for a solid education.
The building includes typical university rooms for seminars, offices, archives, a cafeteria and a media library. Additionally, highly specialized rooms for film processing, such as sound studios, editing and copying rooms, voice booths, digital film editing, production offices and multimedia labs, are provided. Fully equipped cinema halls complete the program. KBP designed and implemented technically and economically optimal solutions to meet the high acoustic and climatic requirements in the lab and cinema areas.
Staatl. Hochbauamt, Munich
Peter Böhm, Cologne
2 - 8
2005 - 2010
2007 - 2011