IT Town Hall with Data Center
Central IT Facility of the city of Munich
Stadtwerke München GmbH
h4a Gessert + Randecker Generalplaner GmbH
1 - 3
2010 - 2012
2012 - 2015
On the premises of the M-Campus of Stadtwerke München GmbH, the new central IT facility for the city of Munich was built in 2015. With a gross floor area of around 30,000 m², the IT facility houses a data center, office and training rooms, IT laboratories, a library and a cafeteria.
The new building was designed according to the latest technical standards for data center operations. A sustainable concept incorporating renewable energies was planned and implemented for the building services equipment. A photovoltaic system on the roof and geothermal installations provide the facilityl with electricity and heat. District cooling from cold groundwater, combined with district heating, covers the cooling needs of the central building and the data center.
Stadtwerke München GmbH
h4a Gessert + Randecker Generalplaner GmbH
1 - 3
2010 - 2012
2012 - 2015